6 Multi-Muscle Moves Burn Fat Fast

Short workouts are great if you're busy, especially if they help you lose weight by burning a lot of calories and make you stronger for everyday

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tasks like getting up from a beach blanket, pushing a lawnmower (and pulling the cord to start it), or slinging a sack of dog food into your car.

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We asked Harcoff to construct an exercise that's brief, vigorous enough to burn fat, and utilitarian enough to improve total-body strength for

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real life. Read on to discover why this 6-move workout is perfect to add to your fitness program. For more, see 5 Easy Ways to Enjoy Exercise After 50.

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The six-exercise, three-set program should take 20–25 minutes. How? The "superset" workout works opposing muscle groups back-to-back to cut rest time.

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"This workout uses compound movements that require a high work output that stimulates calorie burn not just during the workout but

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throughout the day," adds Harcoff. EPOC—excess post-exercise oxygen consumption—is the extra oxygen and calories your body needs to recuperate

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"I like this workout because it covers all your bases in just six moves," Harcoff. "It's a combination of compound-joint exercises that target the

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When you first get off the couch, Harcoff recommends starting with one workout per week and adding more as you get stronger, up to four per week with rest days.

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